haven't fallen for that one in a long, long time
you know that makes both of us a dozen a dime
oh the joy of when it doesn't mean a thing
fickle flesh on flesh
is enough for a wedding ring (these days)
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4you have an elegance about you
if I had just one more soul
4 -5 - 6
i'd make up for what I've missed
6 - 5 - 4 - 3
do you love yourself or me?
3 - 2 - 1 - none
are you having lots of fun?-
fall in love with me
once you've seen me for the first time again
the past has always been
the easiest to ruin
and you knew it then
tea for twoit's good knowing that your vanity
and two for tea
you for you
and me for me
or me for you
and you for you
or who for me
and me for who?