Falling Stars
Somewhere in the bowels of some smoky bar under the brilliant neon of the Tokyo nightrise, Hugh said to me, "The rock star, up on stage, bathed in light, inaccessible, is an outdated image from a defunct society. In a world where information plus technology equals power, those who control the editing rooms run the show. DJs are editors of the street."Ceremonial Dance
...the ravers see themselves and the creation of their subculture as part of the overall fractal equation for the postmodern experience. One of the principles of chaos math, for example, is phase-locking, which is what allows the various cells of an organism to work harmoniously or causes a group of women living together to synchronize their menstrual cycles. Phase-locking brings the participants - be the atoms, cells, or human beings - into linked cycles that promote the creation of a single, interdependant organism where feedback and iteration can take place immediately and effectively. A phase-locked group begins to take on the look of a fractal equation, where each tiny part reflects the nature and shape of the larger one.
The ultimate phase-locking occurs in the dance itself, where thousands of these "like-minded" young people play out house culture's tribal ceremony. The dance links everyone together in a synchronous moment. They're on the same drugs, in the same circadean rhythm, dancing to the same 120-beat-per-minute soundtrack. They are fully synchronized. It's at these moments that the new reality is spontaneously developed.
The dance empowers you. It reintigrates you. And then you can start again. It's an ancient, spiritual thing. The Djs consider themselves the technoshamans of the evening.
Word to Doug Rushkoff.
Sampling Emergent Sound Postmodern
One of my obsessions has always been of living in a world which is becoming increasingly more complex and fragmented - where we have access to more and more information. There are three different levels of reacting to this.The consumer level is to buy loads of CD's, change channels, and so on...
The second level of reacting to all this complexity is to wake up and say "Oh my God, this is so fragmented and complex I don't know what to do..."
The third reaction to the world's fragmentary complexity is to try to dig deeper, to find principles of similarity that begin to reveal the profound connection between things. This, I believe, is the great ethical task of our times...
- Text-samples by Machover, professsor of Music at M.I.T.
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