" Apart from half a dozen dogs, there was no signs of life in the village of Nyarubuye, scene of one of the massacres of Rwanda's civil war. In theNyarubuye secondary school yard, skeletons of men and women were piled in a line as if they had been made to stand for inspection before their lives were snuffed out. A schoolboy, still in his khaki shorts and shirt uniform, lay outside a window, his leg trapped. Next to him was the skull of a baby, perhaps flung against the wall to its death. There were decomposing corpses in five classrooms." (text appropriated from Manoah Esipisu)
Yet, for every tragic story of death in Rwanda, there is an ongoing sruggle for life with just as cruel a plot. Please read about Sayon, a child soldier and see Rwanda After War which is a beatiful multimedia presentation of the relief effort. Also read through Amnesty International's Online Press release and UNICEF's archive. (Original Photo by Rob Galbraith)